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Yesterday, a few dedicated employees put together 76 gift bags filled with essentials like lotion and hand sanitizer, in addition to some treats like crossword puzzles and candy. The 76 gift bags also included homemade Christmas cards from employees’ children. Why 76? Because there are currently 76 residents at the Blake at Malbis nursing home, and last night, BCSS employees visited with these residents while providing them with the gifts. The Blake at Malbis is one of BCSS’ customers and is located on Highway 90 in Malbis.

The employees, along with a couple of their young children, greatly enjoyed meeting The Blake tenants and staff. They were very appreciative of our time there and especially happy about hugs and affection from the little ones. The employees truly liked spending time with the nice people there, especially since some of them may rarely get any personal visitors. As BCSS employee Angela Foley mentioned afterwards, “Thanks guys. That’s what Christmas is.”

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