Due to inclement weather, BCSS is closing now for the day. Thank you for your understanding as we prioritize the safety of our team and community.


This site is to schedule brand new sewer service installations with grinder pumps and service lines and to schedule grinder pump start-ups.
Gravity lines have to be installed by a plumber outside of BCSS. Please complete a form for each property that needs an installation or start-up scheduled.

  • Grinder Pump Installation: BCSS asks that you schedule a grinder pump and service line installation when the siding is on the home/ building and the property is at final grade.
  • Grinder Pump Start-up: A start-up can be scheduled when you are ready for BCSS to test and activate a grinder pump. A pump is ready for start-up when the power and water services are installed and active, there is wiring to the pump’s panel box and plumbing to the grinder pump is connected by the plumber.

If BCSS goes to a property to complete a requested start-up and everything is not ready, they cannot complete the start-up and you/ your company will be charged $250.00 to return to the property for a start-up.

Please contact Kristyn with any questions at kgrider@baldwincountysewer.com.

Schedule a Grinder Pump Installation

"*" indicates required fields

911 Address*
Is the final siding completed?*
Is the property at final grade?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Schedule a Grinder Pump Start-up/Activation

"*" indicates required fields

911 Address*
Is the water service line installed and active?*
Is the power service line installed and active?*
Is the grinder pump wiring to the panel box completed?*
Is the plumbing connected to the grinder pump by the plumber?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.